January Thoughts

It’s the first day of the New Year and last night was quieter than usual for us at home as I’m sure it has been for other families in Tier 4 lockdown in the UK. I’m grateful that so far we have remained well and the quieter days have enabled me to reassess the year that’s gone and plan ahead.

We ate around the fire pit we bought for our Christmas present to ourselves and enjoyed burning more of the paperwork accumulated during ‘project sort the house out’!

For those of you who follow me on social media you’ll have seen my #tendayproject posts with photos and Art from way back when. it’s been fascinating going through folders I found in the loft and noticing the similarities and differences between my creative practice from then to now, spanning over 30 years.

Noticing is a big part of my process and something that caught my attention recently became the basis of new paintings and a Moem which I wrote in response to the painting. Something about the image resonated with me and how I was feeling at the time. The whole mixture of feelings that culminate when we are challenged and life has to be different.

I hope you find a way to cultivate creativity and curiosity ( 3 words beginning with C that add positivity to life ) and that 2021 brings you health and happiness even with the bumps along the way.

This year I am looking forward to developing my painting and writing and am grateful I can do what I love. Here’s my Moem, the painting and the ‘noticing’ that sparked it. I have a whole book of ‘Noticings’ which form the basis of much of my work. I’ve titled the painting ‘I’m a little bit happy I’m a little bit sad’.

I’m a little bit happy  

I’m a little bit sad 

Some days are good 

And some are bad 

Whether yellow or mellow 

Quite often I’m blue  

On the days of no hellos 

When I’m  thinking of you  

It’s fab that  you’re  fine 

That’s the best best part  

I’ll get used to the time 

That we are apart  

I’m a little bit happy  

I’m a little bit sad 

But mostly I’m happy  

For the times we’ve had  

Tracey Elizabeth Downing